The Commercial Benefits from Crop Biotechnology in Brazil: 1996/97 – 2011/12


This document aims at commenting on the main results from the study on the “Commercial benefits frrom the adoption of biotechnology biotechnology1996/97 – 2011/12″ conducted by Celeres in the second semester of 2012. The document focuses on analyzing the results of the general commercial benefits obtained from the adoption of GM cotton, GM corn and herbicide-tolerant soybeans.
In the sixteenth year since the inception of crop biotechnology in Brazil, it is estimated that the commercial benefits captured by the farmers who use this technology and by the industry that holds it have accumulated, since 1996/97, to the total sum of US$ 18.8 billion.


The Commercial Benefits from Crop Biotechnology in Brazil: 1996/97 – 2011/12 (held on an external server, and so may require additional authentication details)

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