Promoting Responsible Use of Crop Protection Products in Thailand


Thai Crop Protection Association Royal Project Foundation, CropLife Asia and Thai Department of Agricultural Extension


Since 1991, the Thai Crop Protection Association (TCPA) has been educating farmers about the safe and responsible use of crop protection products in northern Thailand in cooperation with the Royal Project Foundation (RPF). In 2013, the Thai Department of Agricultural Extension (DoAE) – responsible for about 26,000 agricultural retail stores – TCPA and CropLife Asia formed a partnership on technical cooperation for the responsible use of crop protection products and proper disposal of empty containers. These efforts are supported by the RPF and DoAE. Each year, the TCPA allocates around $18,000-$20,000 USD for stewardship activities in collaboration with these partners.


As an agriculture-based economy and major food exporter, Thailand relies on crop protection products to grow crops such as rice, sugarcane, vegetables and cassava as well as to increase yields and improve quality. It is important that farmers use these products responsibly. Farmers are trainedto read and follow product labels, use appropriate products, maintain the pre-harvest interval, wear proper protective clothing and carefully dispose of empty containers.


The TCPA trains farmers on the responsible use of crop protection products through various media channels, including print, radio and television, as well as provides staff for government and non-governmental organization training programs. It also provides academic information, printed materials and experts to train farmers who plant vegetables, flowers and other crops for the RPF. The RPF has 38 regional centers with storage capacity for empty crop protection product containers. It requires farmers to “triple rinse” these containers and puncture them before delivery to a regional center. The TCPA and DoAE provide resources for a triple rinse campaign to inform farmers how to properly rinse empty containers three times. In 2012, the TCPA organized a capacity-building workshop for 100 extension officials and advisors of the RPF. The training covered updates on laws and regulations for crop protection registration, basic toxicology, responsible use of crop protection products, and proper rinsing and disposal of empty containers. TCPA experts have also taught the DoAE about other topics, such as how to manage crop protection products in retail shops.

Since 1991, the Thai Crop Protection Association (TCPA) has been educating farmers about the safe and responsible use of crop protection products in northern Thailand in cooperation with the Royal Project Foundation (RPF).