Rational Regulation for Plant Breeding Innovations

CropLife International recognizes and champions the beneficial societal impacts of plant breeding innovations, most recently and specifically the application of genome (or gene) editing technology. Genome editing can contribute toward efficient and sustainable agricultural practices by accelerating traditional plant breeding practices and improving disease resistance, climate resilience, nutritional quality, and yield. Scientists and breeders have already demonstrated the range of possibilities; however, utilization of these technologies across a broad segment of crops and countries will depend on the regulatory policies applied upon them.

CropLife International and the International Seed Federation (ISF) share the strong belief that: “Plant varieties developed through the latest plant breeding methods should not be differentially regulated if they are similar or indistinguishable from varieties that could have been produced through earlier plant breeding methods.” Read the full position of ISF here.

As of 2023, more than 30 regulatory bodies have released guidance, policies, and regulations, many of which are highly aligned with the principles outlined above and provide a regulatory pathway for products utilizing genome editing that is aligned with conventional varieties. CropLife International also supports dialogue and information sharing between the seed sector, government, grain trade, and other value chain members including food processors, retailers, and consumer groups to ensure this technology delivers maximum benefit to farmers and society.

CropLife International and ISF have developed a number of resources to support further technical discussion of policy around plant breeding innovations, including an FAQ on Plant Breeding Innovations.