Assessing the environmental impact of changes in pesticide use on transgenic soybean


Herbicide tolerant (HT) soybean was introduced in Romania in 1999 and until 2007 has been the only glyphosate-resistant (GR) crop grown commercially in Europa. Following the limited introduction in 1999, producers rapidly adopted the agricultural innovation of HT soybean. More than 70% of the soybean seeded in 2006, in Romania was a HT variety. Numerous environmental impacts have generated and have accumulated following the initial commercial production of HT soybean in 1999. A universal indicator, the EIQ, was employed in order to be able to compare the environmental impacts of pesticide programmes applied to transgenic crops and their conventional counterparts. In this paper we summarize the published results regarding environmental impact of changes in pesticide use on transgenic soybean in Romania. Additionally, the EIQ method was applied to the data published on herbicide regimes used on transgenic (before 2007) and conventional soybean (2006, 2010) in Romania. The overall results of this study indicates that positive benefits can be achieved through the use of the soybean trait of herbicide resistance.


Assessing the environmental impact of changes in pesticide use on transgenic soybean (held on an external server, and so may require additional authentication details)

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