Bt Cotton and Bt Maize: An Evaluation of Direct and Indirect Impact on the Cotton and Maize Farming Sectors in South Africa


The main objective of this report is to shed light on the direct and indirect impacts of genetically modified insect resistant (Bt) cotton and maize in South Africa since commercial release thereof in 1997 and 1998 respectively. This general objective will be reached by supplying information on adoption of GM cotton and GM maize, socio-economic analyses of direct and indirect financial costs and benefits and the direct and indirect impacts on the cotton and maize industries. The report contains analysis and discussion on issues like variety choice, production practices, seed prices, segregation practices as a result of market demand, and farmer livelihoods and support services. The authors also contemplate how this experience will affect further development of GM technologies in South Africa.


Bt Cotton and Bt Maize: An Evaluation of Direct and Indirect Impact on the Cotton and Maize Farming Sectors in South Africa (held on an external server, and so may require additional authentication details)

CropLife International fully acknowledges the source and authors of the publication as detailed above.