Canola and Australian Farming Systems 2003-2007


The report shows that if GM canola is adopted on over half the current canola area there will be substantial economic and environmental benefits.
The report also updates the potential benefits to Australia using an adoption scenario published in 2003.With the changes in the grains industry since 2003, the report proposes that there are significant economic and environmental advantages from the new technology. The key findings were:
An extra 225,000 hectares of canola could be grown using conservation farming practices
640 tonnes less triazine herbicide would be used each year
Average Australian canola yields would increase from 1.17t/ha to 1.28t/ha, with an increase in canola production estimated at 295,000 tonnes annually
Wheat production would increase by 80,000 tonnes on the additional canola area.


Canola and Australian Farming Systems 2003-2007 (held on an external server, and so may require additional authentication details)

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