Economic consequences for UK farmers of growing GM herbicide tolerant sugar beet.


Weed control is important and one of the more expensive inputs to sugar beet production. The introduction of genetically modified herbicide tolerant (GMHT) sugar beet would result in a major saving in weed control costs in the crop for growers, including control of problem weeds such as perennial weeds and weed beet. However, there would be other economic consequences of growing GMHT beet, some of which would manifest themselves in other parts of the rotation, such as the previous crop, the cereal stubbles that proceed most beet crops, soil tillage and spray application. The average national saving for UK sugar beet growers if they could use the technology would be in excess of �150 ha/ yr or �23 million/yr, which includes reductions in agrochemical use of c. �80 ha/yr or �12 million/yr. However, for some growers, the gains would be much larger and for a few, less than these figures. The possible cost savings are sufficiently large that they could ensure that sugar beet production, with its regionally important environmental benefits as a spring crop, remains economically viable in the UK post reform of the EU sugar regime.


Economic consequences for UK farmers of growing GM herbicide tolerant sugar beet. (held on an external server, and so may require additional authentication details)

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