GM crops: Reaping the benefits, but not in Europe – Socio-economic impacts of agricultural biotechnology


This report has first been published in May 2011. The present is the 2nd edition from August 2011.
It provides a comprehensive overview of the socio-economic impacts of the cultivation
and trade of genetically modified (GM) crops, based on the latest available scientific publications.
First a global overview is provided. The socio-economic impacts of GM cultivation in Europe are explored in the next part which takes into account both observed benefits (ex post analysis) as well
as lost opportunities (ex ante analysis). Finally, trade and regulatory impacts on Europe are analysed
in the last section.


GM crops: Reaping the benefits, but not in Europe – Socio-economic impacts of agricultural biotechnology (held on an external server, and so may require additional authentication details)

CropLife International fully acknowledges the source and authors of the publication as detailed above.